Narrator: today's film:
Narrator: TITANIC
T-Rex: And that makes me the love interest!
T-Rex: I'm a ruffian with a heart of gold! Are there any sensual socialites on board?
Dromiceiomimus: I'm the snidely husband-to-be of just such a bored but sensual socialite: Rose! Stay away from her! Your "forbidden love" has no place in my haughty world of pretension.
T-Rex: You are repressing her free spirit and sexuality! Notice how I am a throughly modern hero, despite my being born in the 1900s? I am appealing to a hypothetical audience, 100 years in the future!
Utahraptor: I am Rose, your fated lover! Let us enjoy ourselves in this consequence-free environment!
T-Rex: Sweet!
T-Rex: Would you say that not even God Himself could tear us apart?
Utahraptor: There's no time for that now! The ship is sinking and there are not enough lifeboats!
Utahraptor: I will float on this piece of debris, but I am sorry, there is only enough room for one!
T-Rex: I was a fool!