T-Rex: I was asked for money on the street today, and after I gave what change I had, I was told quite aggressively by the guy that it wasn't enough! This can only mean that it's time once again to discuss everyone's favourite topic...
T-Rex: Panhandling!
T-Rex: And it's a tricky issue! Giving money to beggars can be helpful, but some feel it encourages bad behaviour and undermines the work of social support organizations. Plus there is always the rumour of beggars who take home hundreds of dollars a day! On the other hand, there may well be people for whom begging is the only means of support they have.
Utahraptor: You're sure using a lot of qualifiers there, T-Rex!
T-Rex: It's intentional!
T-Rex: I really don't know much about panhandling, and a lot of people feel very strongly about it. I don't know! I usually try to learn more about things by doing them, but if I panhandled I'd be a total poseur.
Utahraptor: I bet if *I* did it I'd be way more of a poseur than you!
T-Rex: Man, you're on!
T-Rex: Wait!
T-Rex: This belittles us both!!