T-Rex: So who here wants to TALK ABOUT FEELINGS? Wooo! Everyone loves a dude who talks about feelings, right?
T-Rex: Feelings: let's talk about them!
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, how do you FEEL today?
Dromiceiomimus: Fine, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Hey, I feel fine too! Would you like to talk about it for a few hours because that's always a good idea?
Dromiceiomimus: Hah hah, no thanks!
T-Rex: Secretly, neither would I! High fives!!
Utahraptor: Hey, did I overhear that we're talking about feelings?
T-Rex: You probably did, my friend!
Utahraptor: Great - listen, I'm sorry I've been a bit snippy lately; I've just been a little stressed out about some things at home.
T-Rex: Oh, um, I was sort of making fun of talking about feelings, but we can actually talk about them too. This is because I am a Good Friend!
T-Rex: A good friend who keeps such conversations in strict confidence, no less! So, tell me about your problems.
Off panel: Well, as I was saying-
T-Rex: Do you have any problems with sexy stuffs?