T-Rex: Time to make some Life Decisions, set some Life Goals!
T-Rex: That's right, ladies! I am going to be a dude with direction!
T-Rex: But this isn't just a ploy to seem more comely to members of the attractive sex! I really feel like I need a goal to work towards, something that I want to achieve. In the past I've always just gone with the flow!
T-Rex: Go to school, okay, then university, okay, then get a job -
Utahraptor: And then?
T-Rex: And then... work at that job or at better jobs as they come along, until I get married and later on die! THE END.
Utahraptor: And you're hoping to avoid this by having Life Goals?
T-Rex: Yep! Somehow!
T-Rex: Get big and smart?
T-Rex: Eat my weight in chocolate?
T-Rex: Learn how to fly rockets or something?