T-Rex: Time to talk about everyone's favourite topic...
T-Rex: Relationships!
T-Rex: Have you ever found yourself in a relationship that required at least a few sentences to explain what was going on, that couldn't be summed up in a single word like "boyfriend" or "ex-girlfriend"?
Dromiceiomimus: Well, actually, the thing you and I have is sort of -
T-Rex: Exactly! I'm glad you understand, Dromiceiomimus.
Utahraptor: So what about relationships that can't be summarized in one word?
T-Rex: Um.
T-Rex: They're... pretty okay?
Utahraptor: They're "pretty okay".
T-Rex: Okay, honestly, I wanted to talk more about how deep and important some friendships can be, but we've somehow moved away from that.
T-Rex: I have no-one to blame but myself!