T-Rex: The Utahraptor's brother is having children - it seems the time of parenthood is upon us!
T-Rex: How quickly we find ourselves in the positions of adults!
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, do you think you might have children some day?
Dromiceiomimus: I don't know - I don't feel qualified to have children.
T-Rex: That's exactly how I feel! You've articulated it perfectly.
T-Rex: Will I ever feel qualified?
Utahraptor: I hope so!
Utahraptor: I'm sure you'd make a great parent, T-Rex! I can imagine you running around with all your kids behind you, teaching them how to stomp on things...
Utahraptor: 5 little baby T-Rexes, each with their own pair of cute little arms!
T-Rex: What do you mean, "cute"?
T-Rex: "Cute"?!