Narrator: a comic for when you've run out of things to worry about
Narrator: and you think "wow I sure wish I could worry way more"
T-Rex: You want to worry? You've come to the right place! I often recommend to my clients that they start with things that are entirely out of their control. That way, there's no action they can ever take EXCEPT worry.
Dromiceiomimus: For example, what if an asteroid hits the planet and kills us all??
T-Rex: Hah hah hah!
T-Rex: Seriously though, stuff like that is A+ worry material.
Utahraptor: It can be, sure!
Utahraptor: But you ask ME, the best worries are about things which are almost but not QUITE entirely out of our control, and whose effects are largely hidden. Like, what if you have a disease that's so rare nobody even knows about it yet and it's in your blood and they're going to name it after you?
T-Rex: Oh damn! And what if instead of blessing you with decades of health, this rare disease actually does BAD things to your body??
Off panel: ...That's what I was assuming from the beginning.
T-Rex: Wow! One thing I never have to worry about, Utahraptor, is the skill and grace of your worrying!!
What are the haps my friends
oh my goodness
September 18th, 2024:In November I'll be at YALLFEST in Charleston, SC! Maybe you will too? Maybe we can... MEET??