T-Rex: Oh boy! Today is a good day I think for an adventure through time!
T-Rex: So long, Dromiceiomimus! I'm about to travel back to the age of di- back to long ago!
Dromiceiomimus: So long T-Rex! I hope you don't become your own grandfather!
Utahraptor: Ooh, can I come along on the adventure through time? Please?
T-Rex: Well... okay!
T-Rex: But you have to promise to let ME choose the time period, and you're not allowed to try to set things up so you become king, alright?
Utahraptor: Sure! Fine!
T-Rex: Cause I read your weblog last week, and you were all, "I want to go back in time and set it up so I become king!"
T-Rex: Your current mood was 'kingly'!
T-Rex: I thought to myself, "T-Rex, you'd better make a note of this!"