T-Rex: Spurred by an insatiable need to better myself, I have taken up a new sport!
T-Rex: That sport, my friends, is fisticuffs!
T-Rex: Do you think I would be good at fisticuffs, Dromiceiomimus?
Dromiceiomimus: What is it?
T-Rex: Boxing! The word is a seventeenth-century alliteration of 'fisty' (of the fists) and 'cuff'!
Utahraptor: You haven't thought this through! You're just interested in fisticuffs because of the name!
T-Rex: So?
T-Rex: Cheerfully conceded!
Utahraptor: Well, you know that you need bigger arms than yours to box with, right? You need arms like mine!
T-Rex: What are you talking about? My arms are powerhouses!
T-Rex: VESTIGIAL powerhouses!
T-Rex: My fists are named "Knuckles" and "Chuckles", for your information!
T-Rex: Spread it around, dig?