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What are the haps my friends

February 2nd, 2012: This weekend I'll be at Running GAGG in Geneseo, which is a great opportunity to come out and say "hi". And maybe exchange high fives? It seems only likely. Gentleman Chris Hastings of Dr. McNinja will be there with me!

I've mentioned how I'm writing the Adventure Time comic, which debuts next Wednesday, February 8th at a comic book store near you. Look what I got in the mail last night! (Big version here.) It is really exciting after months of work to have a real thing in your hands. Hooray!

Oh! Also, in the evenings I've been reading the amazing Back To The Future Novelization published in 1985 and taking people through it page-by-page. The book is crazy, and was written based off an early draft of the script, so all sorts of stuff is nutty. Here's the first post and here's Page 1, which should give you a taste of how amazing this book is (everybody dies on the first page). B to the F is the name of the site! Or B^F (I haven't decided yet but come on, B^F is the best abbreviation for "Back to the Future" ever in time)

So in summary, thank you for letting me do this job, and here is a lot of fun stuff I wrote for for you to read!

One year ago today: to be fair, some of the snowplows here in reality ARE pretty stupid

– Ryan

big ups and shouts out