T-Rex: In high school a bunch of us were talking about a television show!
Narrator: REGRET COMICS 2000
T-Rex: I'd seen it a little bit but they were all talking about a particular episode, so I played along and talked about it too. Eventually I asked a question, I forget what, but it somehow CLEARLY REVEALED that I had not in fact seen the episode at all. Everyone turned to me, and one guy I barely knew said "Why would you lie about something like that?" I had no idea! All I could say was "I don't know."
Utahraptor: That's not the end of the world, T-Rex!
T-Rex: I'm still thinking about it years later though!
T-Rex: I remember watching as someone went from respecting me to thinking I'm a liar: worse, a liar who does it for no reason.
Utahraptor: And who isn't particularly good at it.
T-Rex: AND WHO ISN'T PARTICULARLY GOOD AT IT, yes. Why'd I do it? It was so dumb!
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: The greatest proof that time travel isn't possible is that no future selves have yelled at me to stop messing the heck up