September 23rd, 2009: What are you doing this weekend?
On SATURDAY, September 26th, TopatoCo is having a tag sale, which means tons of rare and discontinued internet comic t-shirts - including my own! - for sale at cheap prices! That's in Easthampton, MA.
On SUNDAY, September 27th, it's the Word on the Street festival, a free book festival that's totally rad! Like last year, I'll be at the Word on the Street: Toronto event in Queen's Park, talking about comics and answering questions with the lovely Emily Horne of A Softer World, the handsome Kean Soo of Jellaby, the talented Andy Belanger and the impressive Faith Erin Hicks. WE WILL BE SPILLING ALL SORTS OF SECRETS One year ago today: the last panel is directed to the crowd across the street that gathered in anticipation of just such an awkward moment – Ryan