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What are the haps my friends

September 15th, 2009: Scary Go Round ended recently - it's rare to see a comic seven years old come to an end, much more a satisfying one! There's a lot of interesting information on the process in John's blog, and his new comic is starting up in just a few weeks! Exciting, you guys!

Also exciting: is now back up and running! It was originally given to me by the talented Justin Pierce of The Non-Adventures of Wonderella. Sucks to you, scammer who bought it when it expired and then when I wouldn't buy it for $1000, realized that nobody in the entire universe would ever possibly want it except me and then let it expire and then I got it for like $10. YOU TANGOED WITH THE WRONG... TANGO INSTRUCTOR. I AM THE TANGO INSTRUCTOR IN THIS ANALOGY, I AM REALLY GOOD AT TANGOING IS THE TAKE-AWAY HERE.


One year ago today: we all have different tastes, but what if we all share the same as-yet-undiscovered supertaste? what then? WORLD PEACE BROKERED THROUGH A SHARED APPRECIATION OF A SINGLE SONG?? A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL WHO HATES THE SONG FEELING PRETTY FRIGGIN' EXCLUDED??

– Ryan

big ups and shouts out