T-Rex: Today is a good day I think for revenge!
T-Rex: Specifically, revenging myself upon my enemies by finding out what their full names are, and then popularizing an insulting or embarrassing acronym that uses those initials.
Dromiceiomimus: Huh?
T-Rex: Like WTF! If I had an enemy named "Walter Theodore Freemont", I could invent WTF and then he'd be annoyed.
Utahraptor: But WTF is already an invented acronym.
T-Rex: I know! It was an example, GEEZ.
T-Rex: I'm going to invent a NEW acronym that goes along with some enemy's initials, and then ensure it gets super popular! Revenge: COMPLETED.
Utahraptor: It seems like it'd be way easier to just make enemies with one W.T. Freemont than to try to direct the acronymic course of an entire language! IMHO.
T-Rex: Oh my God, people who say "IMHO" in real life are just -
T-Rex: Utahraptor
T-Rex: I am having trouble dealing with our friendship at the moment