T-Rex: You know what hasn't happened in space yet? Friggin' murder! Nobody's been murdered in space yet!
T-Rex: Guys! This means I still have a chance!
Dromiceiomimus: You want to be the first murderer in space?
T-Rex: No, man! That's a sucky way to go down in history. But as the first MURDEREE in space, going out as a floating corpse in zero G: that's something! And it's totally easy. All I need to do is convince some spaceman, when the time comes, to murder me!
Utahraptor: Is it murder if you're literally asking for it?
T-Rex: That's for the courts to decide, my friend!
T-Rex: Listen, bottom line: when my time on this planet is just about up, I'm going up into space and you're going to murder me, okay? Surprise me with a knife!
Utahraptor: I -
T-Rex: For the sake of history, Utahraptor!!
T-Rex: I can already see the headline: "The First Dude Murdered In Space!"
Off panel: At the very least, "The First Dude Murdered In Space By His Friend, Who Is Now Going To Jail!"
T-Rex: At the very least!!