T-Rex: There are not enough internet acronyms. If I want to speak entirely in internet acronyms like LOL and ROFL -
T-Rex: - WHICH I DO -
T-Rex: - then my emotions are limited to only the crudest of feelings! I can laugh out loud, or I can roll on (the) floor laughing, but what if I'm just chuckling? What if I have a condescending smirk that fades into a distant smile of recognition? What if I want to communicate the nostalgia you have for an old girlfriend when you're dating someone who's way better, but you still miss her sometimes? IS THERE AN ACRONYM FOR THAT, INTERNET??
Utahraptor: "IMMOGBNR".
T-Rex: Immogebeaner?
Utahraptor: Yep! Stands for "I Miss My Old Girlfriend, But Not Really". Used all the time.
T-Rex: Huh! Is there one for, like, groups of people who draw pictures of kinky sex?
Utahraptor: Sure! "We Illustrate Kinks Involving Phallocentric Euphoria During Intercourse. Awesome."
T-Rex: WIKIPEDIA! Oh my God! Has it stood for that all along?
Off panel: It's the Secret Mission of Wikipedia! Don't tell anyone, okay?
T-Rex: Hah! Awesome!
T-Rex: ...Why didn't they just say so?