T-Rex: I've decided that if I ever get to travel back in time, AGAIN, I'm going to the Battle of Salamis, in which the Greeks beat the Persians, turning the tide in their war which led to eventual Greek victory!
T-Rex: It has been described as the single most important battle in history!
T-Rex: This is because had the Greeks lost, then so too would the early idea of democracy been denied its initial flourishing, which could have affected all of western civilization! Seeing how influential western civilization has been on the world, if I am a dude who wants to make WILD UNPREDICTABLE CHANGES to the history of time, this seems like the place and time to do it!
Utahraptor: And are you a dude who wants to make wild unpredictable changes to the history of time?
T-Rex: I don't know! Maybe!
T-Rex: It might be cool to just watch the battle, but it ALSO might be cool to go back and cold start stepping on butterflies like CRAZY. Then come back to the present and be all, "oh snap! My bathroom is now teal!"
Utahraptor: That IS how time travellers tend to roll!
Off panel: Don't travel back in time to bother us, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Wow! Where'd you guys pick up English?
Off panel: grocery store