T-Rex: I have discovered the secret to being totally famous! I will now share this secret.
T-Rex: The secret is to be CONTROVERSIAL!
T-Rex: That way, everyone is talking and thinking about you. You become famous simply for holding a contested opinion! And the best part is you don't actually HAVE to hold the opinion, you just have to say you do. It's so easy! Dromiceiomimus, what are your thoughts on gay marriage and prohibition? Dromiceiomimus: Prohibition? Why prohi- T-Rex: I DISAGREE!!
Utahraptor: Wow, people are going to think you're an ass! T-Rex: A CONTROVERSIAL ass, though! Of fame!
Utahraptor: No, not really! It's annoying, insincere, and unattractive! Nobody likes someone who is controversial just for the attention. T-Rex: Maybe they do!
Narrator: TURNS OUT THEY DON'T: T-Rex: Well, that's it for me!
What are the haps my friends
can dinosaur comics merchandise really fix it all? it might, maybe it can
This comic is from April 21st, 2005! I didn't write things down here back then. Or maybe I did, and they are now LOST FOREVER. But here is a random merchandise image; perhaps you are... tantalized?