Game title screen: 〚Sierra logo〛 SIERRA® PRESENTS
Game title screen: DINO QUEST I
Game: You have arrived in the time of the dinosaurs! Looking around, you see a large green T-Rex. He seems excited!
Input: >take dinosaur
Game: You can’t take that
Input: >look
Game: You see the T-Rex, stomping a house. There is a Dromiceiomimus here.
Input: >take dromoceimiumus
Game: I don’t see that here.
Input: >take dromociemoious
Game: I don’t see that here.
Input: >take other dinosaur
Game: I don’t see that here.
Input: >god damn
Game: I don’t know how to "god damn".
Input: >go north
Game: The T-Rex chases you. Be careful! There is a Utahraptor here.
Input: >hide from t rex
Game: Before you can do anything, you are stepped upon! You have died.
Input: >talk to t rex
Game: You cannot do anything because you are dead. All you can do is SAVE, RESTORE or QUIT.
Input: >quit
Game: Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N)
Input: >y
Game: You scored 0 points out of a possible 158. Thank you for playing Sierra’s DINO QUEST!
Input: C:\SIERRA\DQ1\> del *.*
Output: 31 file(s) deleted.
Input: C:\SIERRA\DQ1\> cd..
Input: C:\SIERRA\> cd..
Input: C:\> cd telix
Input: C:\TELIX\> cd dl
Input: C:\TELIX\DL\> del
Output: 1 file(s) deleted.
Prompt: C:\TELIX\DL\>_