Narrator: T-REX HAS GOTTEN A NEW PET DOG: T-Rex: I've gotten a new pet dog!
T-Rex: Hooray!
T-Rex: My last pet dog ran away because I never fed him. But THIS new dog I'm sure to feed every day! Dromiceiomimus: That's very resp - actually, T-Rex, that's exactly as responsible as you should be. T-Rex: I know this now!
Utahraptor: What's your new pet's name, T-Rex? T-Rex: It's also his description!
T-Rex: I named him, "The Angriest Dog In The World". Utahraptor: Wow! Is he really that angry? T-Rex: He's LIVID, man! He's TENSE. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis!
T-Rex: Good listener, though!
What are the haps my friends
the best part of internet comics is wearing them
This comic is from September 21st, 2004! I didn't write things down here back then. Or maybe I did, and they are now LOST FOREVER. But here is a random merchandise image; perhaps you are... tantalized?