T-Rex: So we're all more aware than ever how gross everyone else is, right? Like now more than EVER we all know how literally everyone else could be carrying all sorts of contagious disease and not even be showing it.
T-Rex: And yet we're STILL social creatures who crave contact with others!
T-Rex: I therefore propose that this contradiction, this essential dichotomy, is what's at the core of our psyches! We are forever torn between the desire to be touched and the knowledge that touching anyone is god-tier disgusting to the extreme!!
Utahraptor: Like a moth to a flame, we crave our own destruction? T-Rex: YES!
T-Rex: We want what can harm us most. And to both illustrate and spread this idea, I'm working on a picture book about a monster who loves to eat people, even though eating people makes his poops sick. I call it "The Monster Who Pooped Diarrhea All Over Everyone, And Some Of Their Mouths Were Open".
T-Rex: Genius is seldom appreciated in its own time, so I'm REALLY looking forward to being ignored but feeling REAL smug about it!!