Image description: A hand-drawn comic with a non-standard composition of panels
Dromiceiomimus: Hey,T-Rex!
T-Rex: What? Oh, yes! That's right, other dinosaur, it's me, your life-long friend, T-Rex!
Dromiceiomimus: Huh?
Utahraptor: Hey T-Rex, it's almost noon. You hungry?
T-Rex: Of course I'm hungry! I could eat my weight in carrots-- er-- raw meat.
T-Rex: Because I'm a carnivore!
Utahraptor: Hmm...
Utahraptor: Say, what do you think about stomping on some houses and stuff?
T-Rex: No way! I might accidentally hurt some rabbits!
T-Rex: ...which would actually be okay because, as a carnivore, I... eat... rabbits.
Utahraptor: Okay, hold it right there, you impostor.
T-Rex: but--
Utahraptor: 〚pulls T-Rex's skin and unwraps some structure〛 Gotcha!
T-Rex: Wha?