T-Rex: I think it would be great to have my last words planned out in advance. They'd have to be really memorable, so that people would keep talking about them, and by extension me!
T-Rex: Unfortunately, all the good ones are taken. Sucks to THAT!
T-Rex: There are a ton of people who have died saying things like "I feel fine!", but irony is overdone in last words. It has to be something fresh! Einstein spoke his last words in German, but the only person present didn't speak the language, so his last words are lost. That's actually pretty neat, I think! I could learn some obscure language before I die and use that as a backup plan.
Utahraptor: It's too bad you're not a doctor!
T-Rex: Why's that?
Utahraptor: There's been a few doctors who have died just after having said "stopped", which isn't that eerie until you're told that they were checking their pulse at the time.
T-Rex: Ahhh! Oh wow, that's a great one. Man! Can you imagine feeling your own pulse stop?
T-Rex: Hey guys! P-
T-Rex: Pooty pooty?