T-Rex: Hmm...
T-Rex: Yep, it’s certain! I can find NO DOWNSIDES with being immortal.
Dromiceiomimus: What about a world-weariness that can only come from watching everyone you know and love age and die while you remain stuck in a perpetual youth?
T-Rex: That’s okay! Come on: living forever? I could do anything! I could do EVERYTHING - twice!
Utahraptor: But what if there’s no food, and you’re hellishly starving for an eternity?
T-Rex: Could that happen?!
Utahraptor: Well, I don’t see why not.
T-Rex: But then, where would I be getting my energy from?
T-Rex: Hmm... I guess the idea of immortality DOES clash with the scientific principles of conservation of energy.
T-Rex: And so, once again, I am forced to reject a fantasy because it is based on bad science!
T-Rex: (Science means that not all dreams can come true!)