T-Rex: In Terminator 1, it's FIRMLY established that anything being sent back in time has to be surrounded by living tissue. The T-800 is a cyborg covered in a layer of living skin, so that's how come he can do it!
T-Rex: And that's why both Kyle Reese and the Terminator arrive in the 80s naked!
T-Rex: But in Terminator 2, the T-1000 - a machine which I remind you is made ENTIRELY of liquid metal - comes back in time.
Dromiceiomimus: Clearly, Skynet figured out a solution to the honestly-nonsensical "has to be covered in skin" time travel rule.
T-Rex: Right?? It's the only explanation that makes sense.
T-Rex: And yet, the T-1000 ALSO arrives naked! He shows up as a naked guy!
Utahraptor: He can be anything!
T-Rex: He can be ANYTHING, yet he CHOOSES to arrive in the past as a naked naked man, and honestly, I respect that. Like I know the T-1000 is a killer robot from the future that hates organic life, but MAN - what a choice. What a LEGEND. We respect and celebrate a body positive king.
T-Rex: Hey, did you know the T-1000 is a nudist, and I have proof?
Off panel: Dang it, I had things I had to do today, but now I ABSOLUTELY have to know more!!
Off panel: FRIG!