T-Rex: I hope you're all sitting down because it's time for...
T-Rex: History's!
T-Rex: Greatest!
T-Rex: Up first: Guy Fawkes betraying his king and trying to blow him up!!
Dromiceiomimus: Eh - he FAILED, plus he's more famous for his facial hair and the mask based on same than anything else.
T-Rex: Okay, try this on for size: Benedict Arnold defecting from America to England!
Dromiceiomimus: BOTH sides were English like a year before though.
T-Rex: Well how about this: Brutus betraying Caesar!
Utahraptor: Nah, I totally saw that one coming.
T-Rex: FINE. Judas and Jesus!
Utahraptor: I mean, it's a FAMOUS one, but is it really the GREATEST betrayal of ALL TIME?
T-Rex: Okay, FINE - what's YOUR greatest betrayal then??
Off panel: Oh, easy - it's when the sun comes alive in Mario 3 and tries to kill you.
T-Rex: ...DANG.
T-Rex: Frig, yeah, okay that one wins by a COUNTRY MILE