T-Rex: If you dig up someone who died a few months ago, that's
T-Rex: "grave" "robbery"
T-Rex: BUT: if you dig up someone who died a few MILLENNIA ago, that's archaeology, and it's not a crime at all!
T-Rex: Exsqueeze me? Something that WAS a crime stops being one if you wait long enough??
Utahraptor: That IS kinda crazy when you think about it.
T-Rex: No, my point is: it's GREAT!!
T-Rex: All crimes SHOULD be legal if you wait long enough. How wild would it be if everyone got one free legal murder, BUT they had to wait until they were BOTH 100?? Old folks homes would be INTENSE, and I would definitely tell people "see you in 100-n years", where n is my current age, WAY more often!
Off panel: That's fair. All the best threats have math homework embedded in them.
T-Rex: You ∩ k = A SKULL, where k is the set of MY KNIVES!
Off panel: ...
Off panel: Okay maybe not ALL