T-Rex: Time for me to write a story with a
T-Rex: 〚small〛 sex scene
T-Rex: in it! That's right! I'm GONNA do it!!
Dromiceiomimus: Sure! Go nuts!
T-Rex: I'll do it! Don't try to stop me!
Dromiceiomimus: I'm not! Best of luck with it, buddy!!
Utahraptor: Yeah, I look forward to reading them!
T-Rex: No! Utahraptor!!
T-Rex: Your unconditional support has made it weird!
Utahraptor: Oh. I look forward to - NOT reading them?
T-Rex: Better.
Utahraptor: Um. I'll pretend I don't even know they EXIST?
T-Rex: Better still!!
Off panel: I'll pretend they don't exist but buy them all and on my deathbed confess they were great and had amazing characterization and really good sex stuff, just A+ sex things in 'em, and then I'll die which saves you from ever having to respond?
T-Rex: Thank youuuu