T-Rex: Imagine how much better life would be if there were FEWER songs about love...
T-Rex: ...and MORE songs about replacing a broken water inlet valve on your dishwasher??
Dromiceiomimus: You got the broken water inlet valve blues, T-Rex?
T-Rex: Yes, and I have no idea where to even start! CULTURE HAS NOT PREPARED ME. Instead it's been WAY too busy educating me on dealing with allegedly-mendacious hips, and on putting a ring on it (assuming I like it!)
Utahraptor: Not to mention apologizing to women named Ms. Jackson re: making daughters cry!!
T-Rex: I know ALL ABOUT staying up all night to get lucky, coming in like a wrecking ball, AND saying hello while wondering if it's me you're looking for. But fixing a water inlet valve? NOTHING.
T-Rex: I look and feel like an IDIOT.
Narrator: BUT THEN:
Off panel: ♪ ♫ Shut off the power and water supply / Take off the front panel and stand by / Use a wrench to disconnect the pipe / Install the new unit and things'll be alright / Oh baby, things are gonna be alright ♪ ♫
T-Rex: Oh boy!!