T-Rex: Let's say I ASSUME that folks other than myself are conscious. Even though it can't be proven, let's ASSUME they're exactly as alive and aware as I am!!
T-Rex: Seems generous, but whatever!!
T-Rex: Let's ALSO assume that when your brain gets small enough and simple enough, you lose consciousness. Are mosquitoes conscious? Are bacteria? Can they hope and dream? Maybe but man, let's say they can't.
Dromiceiomimus: DONE.
T-Rex: So what are these assumptions buying us?
Utahraptor: Either a line in the sand, or a gradient!!
Utahraptor: Consciousness either shows up when you've got a certain complexity - which means some animals are conscious and some aren't - OR, it can emerge gradually, with some animals being but briefly and dimly aware of their own mind before it fades again.
T-Rex: That last one sounds pretty horrifying.
Off panel: Or great! You get into trouble, you just turn off consciousness then wake up later to see how either you figured it out or made things worse!!
Off panel: Woooo