T-Rex: So lobsters used to be unpopular but now people like 'em. But you know what else is like lobsters?
T-Rex: There are tons - LITERAL TONS, AS MEASURED BY BODY MASS - of artists who were MEGAFAMOUS in their own time, and then they died, and then their fans died, and we all went "ah well no biggie" and forgot about 'em completely. Elmer Goodfellow "El" Brendel used to be a huge vaudeville star, but I GUARANTEE I'm the only one who's thought of him in a week. I would bet ACTUAL DINOBUX.
Utahraptor: What was his deal?
T-Rex: Oh, I can tell you about El.
T-Rex: He was born and raised in America, but get this - he was FAMOUS for doing a bit where he put on a fake accent and pretended to be Swedish! Who was of course simple-minded! And who could forget his famous catchphrases "Yee vizz!" or "Yumpin' yiminy!!"?
Utahraptor: Oof. All of civilization?
T-Rex: Utahraptor. They called him America's SWEDE-heart.
Off panel: OH MY GOD. Was history a mistake??
T-Rex: My friend! At this moment, it seems entirely likely!!