T-Rex: A friend's mother has fallen for one of those "call you up on the phone and trick you into handing over all your money" scams!
T-Rex: And she's not alone!
T-Rex: Unfortunately, a lot of seniors are just not used to a stranger overseas calling them up, lying to them, and trying to trick them into giving them money. Fortunately, we, the younger generation, are! We have spam folders FILLED with grifters from all over the world trying to steal from us. And only a FEW of us have given all our personal information and riches to weird princes who can't type good!
Utahraptor: Yes, but those are the scams we're familiar with!
T-Rex: What do you mean?
Utahraptor: Who knows what futuristic mega scams will exist when WE'RE old? Their dizzying complexity may stymie even the savviest among us, leaving we elderlies at their mercy! I propose nothing less than a technological SINGULARITY of scamming, after which it is impossible to predict what happens next!!
T-Rex: Aha! But this is the sort of problem that's EASILY avoided by becoming a weird recluse who lives in the woods.
Off panel: Oh yeah, I forgot how that solves every problem with society.
T-Rex and off panel: CAN'T WAIT