T-Rex: Let's say, HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, that the world is in trouble. Big trouble!
T-Rex: Because let's say... exponential use of fossil fuels is changing the environment!
T-Rex: And if we don't do something, RIGHT NOW, then it could impact the long-term viability of this planet for our form of life!
Dromiceiomimus: Oh no! Is there some sort of deadline in this scenario, one in which it'll be too late to arrest and reverse this change?
T-Rex: YES! And this deadline is coming....
T-Rex: ...in 65 MILLION YEARS!
Utahraptor: OH NO!
Utahraptor: Well let's get to it! Let's remove structural incentives that make fossil fuels a viable option, and invest in research to remove extra carbon dioxide from the atmosphere!
T-Rex: I agree! After all, we've got 65 million years - but it's NEVER too early to ensure our long-term viability!
T-Rex: Hah! Can you imagine - again, speaking ENTIRELY HYPOTHETICALLY - if we left fixing this until we were only 12 YEARS from it being too late?
Off panel: Oh man! Let's imagine that right now!
T-Rex: ...