T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes, who wore a deerstalker (or "Sherlock Holmes hat"), and who was the best at solving mysteries in case you've been living under a rock -
T-Rex: - or else in a different culture which would obviously have different cultural touchstones -
T-Rex: - frowned. He'd finally found a mystery he couldn't crack! Sherlock had made his whole thing about being the "solving mysteries guy", so this was REALLY bad for him.
T-Rex: Everyone was staring at him as he went over the body with his magnifying glass for the third time. This normally didn't take this long.
T-Rex: Sherlock started to sweat. Who was he without his deductions?
Utahraptor: Just a man with a cool hat!
T-Rex: Cool Hat Man, as Sherlock was starting to think of himself, was in way over his head. In desperation, he feigned confidence and announced that a "Mr. Stabsworth" from out of town did it, so, he explained, it made sense that nobody knew him. The police and onlookers dispersed, satisfied.
T-Rex: Later that evening Sherlock started doing drugs, which until the day he died he claimed was due to "being so bored when there's no mysteries because I'm so good at mysteries". THE END.