T-Rex: FACT: people change! I mean, OBVIOUSLY. If we didn't we'd all be these weird 30-year-old babies, pooping wherever we like instead of worrying about business stuff and whether or not strangers like us!
T-Rex: Listen, there are PROBABLY downsides to this, okay??
T-Rex: But if people change, then it makes sense that friendships would too. Why should they feel bad if Alice and Bob stop being friends? Isn't it enough that 2005 variants of Alice and Bob up to the April 4th at 3:35 pm variants of Alice and Bob had a good thing going?
T-Rex: Let's all just agree that friendships ending is natural and normal, cool?
Utahraptor: But it's sad when friendships fade away!
T-Rex: Sure! Absolutely! No doubt!
T-Rex: But if they didn't, LONG-TERM pals wouldn't be special. There'd be nothing unique about friends who stick around forever, not because they have to, not because they work together, not because they wanna bone, but because they both just REALLY LIKE HANGING OUT.
Utahraptor: Aw. That's nice.
T-Rex: It's the purest expression of love, brotimes!! Oh... except for people who fall so deeply that they get married and love that person for the whole rest of their lives.
T-Rex: Uh, I GUESS that'd be good too??