T-Rex: Sometimes reality promises us things and then ENTIRELY FAILS TO DELIVER. This can be crushingly disappointing! To avoid future disappointment, simply memorize the following...
T-Rex: SKELETON CREWS: skellingtons obeying your every order? NOPE! It's just fewer people working at a place than normal. Two skeletal thumbs way down.
T-Rex: BOXING DAY: this sounds like a day where all punches are legal and even handshakes are replaced by fisticuffsmanship!! Instead, it's a day in Canada where stores take an additional 10% off their already low low prices. PASS.
T-Rex: PYRAMID SCHEMES: no Secret Illegal Pyramid plans here, just ripping off sad people.
Utahraptor: Thanks, "reality".
T-Rex: HEADBUTT: a fight move - so still PRETTY cool - but bafflingly has NO head-to-butt contact. Let's not gild the lily: this is a headhead.
Utahraptor: DEAD GIVEAWAYS: instead of easy clues these SHOULD be places where one can drop off corpses without involving the police and their infernal meddling.
T-Rex: JURY NULLIFICATION: a better world than ours is implied, wherein ultimate nullifier rays exist and court cases can be won by simply erasing the jury from the timeline. We see a glimpse beyond the tired grey reaches of our lives and we are lessened by it. 0 out of a possible 10 stars.