T-Rex: Even in olden times, stories got terrible sequels! This myth is ACTUAL FOLLOWUP to the famous "King Midas Messes Up His 'Everything I Touch Turns To Gold' Wish, And How".
Narrator: it is horrible
T-Rex: So after Midas got over his gold thing, he started chilling with Pan, of "pan flute" fame. And one day Pan and the god Apollo had a battle of the bands! Midas claimed Pan won, but Pan played a crappy 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' rendition on his dinky flute, and Apollo was like, "Dude, I ROCKED 'Chopin's Impromptu No. 4' on my lyre."
T-Rex: "The lyre is that weird U-shaped harp you're probably thinking of," Apollo added.
T-Rex: Midas still claimed Pan won, so Apollo cursed him with ass's ears!
Utahraptor: Which are donkey ears if you're not rude!
T-Rex: Midas used his crown to cover them, but his barber obviously found out and had to tell SOMEONE. So he dug a hole and whispered "King Midas has ass's ears!" into it, as one does. Then grass sprang up, whispering the same phrase to passers-by!
Utahraptor: When Midas found out everyone knew, he died of embarrassment.
T-Rex: The failure of Midas 2 ensured there would be no Midas 3, which was a planned prequel wherein Young Midas wished everything he touched turned to ears.