T-Rex: Here's a brain teaser for your face! AND for your brain inside your face!
T-Rex: Who would win in an all-guys game of soccer baseball:
T-Rex: A team of soccer players, or a team of baseball players?
Dromiceiomimus: Soccer baseball isn't a real sport, dude.
T-Rex: YES IT IS. It's like baseball, but with a soccer ball! It combines the thrill of running around bases with the similar-but-distinct thrill of a kicking a soccer ball!
Dromiceiomimus: Then I guess I'd give it to the soccer players?
T-Rex: See, I'm not so sure!
T-Rex: Baseball players know the rules of baseball, which is an advantage since the game is basically "funner baseball".
Utahraptor: True!
Utahraptor: But soccer players have people in their lives who say "your fit, beautiful body looks great in this", while baseball players APPARENTLY only have mullet salesmen who whisper DAMNED, DIRTY LIES in their ears while they sleep.
T-Rex: I thought we were deciding who would win the game, not who is the sexiest??
Off panel: Oh man, I'm sorry!
Off panel: I always forget the TRAGICALLY LIMITED WAY in which straight guys experience professional athletics!!