T-Rex: Man, it's cold out! I wish it were warmer outside!
T-Rex: Okay!!
T-Rex: Wait... WHY? Are wishes REAL all of a sudden?
T-Rex: Because unless someone's mass-producing magic lamps I can accidentally rub to have my wishes LITERALLY BECOME TRUE AS I SAY THEM, I think we as a people can PROBABLY stop warning each other about the proper safety protocols to be observed around MAGICAL ARTIFACTS WHICH DO NOT ACTUALLY EXIST. Wish for whatever you want! And let me know if you find any ACTUAL IMMORTAL GENIES who can ALTER THE FABRIC OF REALITY, but only if some random schlub asks them to.
T-Rex: Why is our culture spending so much energy preparing for fake ideas??
Utahraptor: Because they're fun to think about!
T-Rex: PERHAPS, but instead of "be careful what you wish for" wouldn't it be better to say "be careful what you eat, because atherosclerotic heart disease, the leading cause of death in the world, can be prevented through exercise, a healthy diet, and lower cholesterol levels"??
Utahraptor: OH MY GOD
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Even a broken clock is right twice a day! And it's right even more often if "long-term exposure to particulate air pollution is linked with increased risk of cardiovascular disease" is printed on its face.
T-Rex: ...Okay WOW I kinda want to unfriend myself??