T-Rex: An ageless elder god slumbers in the Arctic, sole remnant of a long-dead, unknowable race. His body is not of flesh and blood, but of bones, teeth, and cartilage, barely contained in a straining red and white suit: a shambling parody of life.
Narrator: CASE 1023
Narrator: "SANTA"
T-Rex: For millennia His mind has reached out from the Arctic, shaping our dreams, twisting our perceptions until the only image anyone can retain when not directly looking at Him is the implanted memory of a smiling, jolly old man.
Dromiceiomimus: Every year He awakens from his frozen slumber. Every year He comes to us all.
T-Rex: Every year we try to stop Him and every year we fail.
Utahraptor: Agents, you will know Him by His gifts left behind.
T-Rex: All are illusions.
Utahraptor: Their horrifying true nature is incomprehensible, our gibbering madness instantly subsumed by happy memories of toys and chocolate the second we look away. Estimates put 10% of all consumer goods in the world as being His.
T-Rex: We CLOTHE OURSELVES in them. We EAT them. We share them with our KIDS.
T-Rex: Specially-drugged Agents have retained glimpses of the true nature of His gifts, but at the cost of shattering their sanity beyond any recovery. WHAT PRESENTS DOES HE BRING US??
T-Rex: I suppose we'll all briefly find out tonight. Happy holidays, Agents, and a very merry Christmas!!