T-Rex: The year is 1990, and the world is a very different place! All those old TV shows you liked are still new! But more importantly:
T-Rex: The sentence "Like us on Facebook" has NEVER EVER been said!
T-Rex: Those were halcyon times! In 1990, the very construction "like us on" was weird, and could really only be finished with "your own terms, please."
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, do you realize what this means?!
T-Rex: ...We should all definitely remember the 90s right now?
Dromiceiomimus: NO. The first person who ever said "Like us on Facebook" is likely STILL ALIVE.
T-Rex: Oh my gosh.
Utahraptor: OH MY GOSH.
T-Rex: This is like finding out the person who invented the phrase "talk to the hand" is still alive!
Utahraptor: Well, that's from the 90s, so - yeah. They're out there. They may even be friends!
T-Rex: "Like us on Facebook!" "Talk to the hand!" "I will if you like us on Facebook!" "I will if you address your comments towards my hand!"
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: Hah! God damn, what a couple of clowns.