T-Rex: How long does it take to become a master violinist? A few weeks, maybe? Probably it's a few weeks.
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: It takes DECADES?
T-Rex: Like, LITERAL decades?!
T-Rex: Turns out master violinists practice every day because their skills fade as soon as they take a break! And it takes such a long time to get to this elite level that it's a life choice they make way early on. These JERKS have known what they want to do with their lives since they were, like, SIX. That's ridiculous!
T-Rex: It's ridiculous, Dromiceiomimus.
Utahraptor: What are the odds a six-year-old would know what a thirty-year-old wants to do?
T-Rex: Exactly!!
T-Rex: I have so little in common with six year old me: we move in disparate social groups, we don't like the same foods, and our bodies are so unlike that if you didn't know about aging you'd think we're different people. The only thing we DO share is a deep and sustaining interest in what the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are up to!
T-Rex: Oh, if only "grandmaster TMNT guy" had the same cultural cachet as "grandmaster violinist"!! Also, if only people paid to come hear me practice my art (i.e., talk about which turtle is my favourite) (It's Raphael)
T-Rex: (No wait!! DONATELLO)