T-Rex: I would like to date someone! Someone female! And also someone... perfect??
T-Rex: Okay so she's got sexy hot bones and kickin' lungs, OBVIOUSLY. But she's also got skills!
Dromiceiomimus: What sort of skills?
T-Rex: Oh, gosh, so many! She's great at science, makeouts, hijinks, heists... the works! You know, all the basics they teach you in Perfect Woman Finishing School.
Utahraptor: So, what does she do?
T-Rex: Whatever she wants! She's good at everything!
T-Rex: It's almost like she's got - godlike powers? Because she does! No, better: she IS a god, an elder god, and she dwells in space and she's a sinuous inky darkness, NO: a creeping madness! And when she extrudes into our dimension she devours -
Utahraptor: T-Rex, you seem to have... lost the plot?
T-Rex: UTAHRAPTOR, I am exploring my own sexual interests here, so um thanks for understanding?? Anyway now she's a polypous creature in a crown of weeping faces, gnashing teeth surrounding a single titanic eye at her core, all dressed in a barely-there red bikini.