T-Rex: I am writing a spy story! It involves a secret agent who likes getting martinis, girls, guns, AND the opportunity to say his own name partially, and then, a second later, more completely!
T-Rex: Nuh-uh!
T-Rex: That other fella may have a half-century of popularity behind him, but MY spy only meets women with plausible names! For example he gets involved with a lady named "Norway Atlantic" instead of "Lady I. Amasexhaver".
Dromiceiomimus: "Norway Atlantic" isn't that plausible a name.
T-Rex: Look, if you have a better way to name characters than by looking at a map, I'd LOVE to hear it.
Utahraptor: So what's your spy's name?
T-Rex: "Angola Maldives". He's so cool!
T-Rex: And believe me, he's involved with some very sexy women! It's always the same: at first they're friends, but he wants more. She senses this and tries to let him down easy, but he's so into the idea of her that he's certain her hints actually show interest. Anyway he gets weird and passive aggressive and it screws up the friendship.
Off panel: Wow, that's super hot.