T-Rex: Hamlet is a pretty good play to read, except they never tell you how hot the characters are. It doesn't even say if the characters used to be not hot, but then at least they got hot later on!!
T-Rex: And this is a problem shared across all kinds of fiction!
T-Rex: Often you'll read ACTUAL BOOKS and someone's character description will say they have brown eyes or whatever, but are they smokin' hot? How banging is their bod? Is it pretty banging??
Dromiceiomimus: You don't care about the non-hotties?
T-Rex: No, I care about them! But we're in the land of fiction and these people are fake: why not make them major hotties while we're at it? It doesn't COST anything.
Utahraptor: "Hamlet was a major hottie. His dad, King Hamlet: also a babe."
T-Rex: Whoah, now I'm interested!!
T-Rex: Honestly, doesn't that sound like a better book? You get all the drama of Hamlet, PLUS now it's more fun to read! Authors make me imagine what THEY want, and all I'm asking in return is that everyone in the story WITHOUT EXCEPTION be rockin' tight bods.
Utahraptor: You should write a book then. I wish you luck.
T-Rex: "Steve was seven hot feet tall. His chest was whatever way you like a dude's chest to be, only MORE so. Suddenly he was murdering another beefy dude. OMG these dudes."
T-Rex: Um, once I sell this book ALL MY PROBLEMS ARE OVER FOREVER