T-Rex: Centaurs! Everyone loves centaurs because they're a horse on the bottom half -
T-Rex: - and a dinosaur on the top half!
T-Rex: It's FLAWLESSLY AWESOME. A horse body combined with my upper torso? WHAT IS THERE NOT TO LIKE?
Dromiceiomimus: While centaurs are pretty awesome, I think mermaids are better: fish bottoms, ferocious dinosaur tops!
T-Rex: Aw geez, I forgot how amazing mermaids are!!
Utahraptor: I like the minotaur: head of a bull, body of a dinosaur!
T-Rex: No doubt, it's a rad beast!
T-Rex: You ever wonder if these amazing creatures will get messed up by future generations? Like, instead of having awesome dinosaur parts, they'd replace them with something much wimpier and softer, like I dunno, mammals or protoprimates?
Utahraptor: So terrible! The very idea makes me want to drop a barf.
Off panel: Oh no! I'm dropping a barf right now because I imagined it too hard!
T-Rex: Don't vom on the carpets!
Off panel: blegh
Off panel: Oh no, the vom is coming out