T-Rex: Cats and kittens, chicks and dudes!! I was wrong!
T-Rex: You CAN force your heirs to punch a bear in your will!
T-Rex: If I make a CONDITIONAL bequest while of sound mind and body and possessing FULL TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY, a probate court is entirely likely to honour those clauses!
Dromiceiomimus: Conditional bequest?
T-Rex: Yeah, like "You must punch out a bear within three weeks of my death, or the diamonds go to some charity instead!"
T-Rex: Only, I don't actually write "some charity".
Utahraptor: You name the charity.
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: Utahraptor, I'm SO EXCITED. I kinda want to become super rich now, because the more money I have the more AWESOME CLAUSES I can put into my will! "Sure, you can have some money now that I'm dead... IF YOU KISS FIFTY DUDES IN THE NEXT THREE MINUTES, GO GO GO!!!"
Utahraptor: Hah!
T-Rex: Man! I take it back, dying is AWESOME.
T-Rex: Um, parts of it, I mean!
T-Rex: The parts where the dead bribe the living seem pretty rad is all I'm saying