T-Rex: If honeybabe made a mistake, I might say "Honeybabe, you made a mistake!"
T-Rex: Or maybe I'd say "Honeybabe, you blew it!"
T-Rex: Maybe I'd suggest our honeybabe in question blundered. Did she just slip up, or did she totally botch it? Maybe it was just an error? A miscalculation? An oversight? A FAILURE? The words we choose indicate how severe a mistake it was, but ALSO suggest various degrees of culpability, and most of us are pretty finely tuned to their nuances of meaning - even honeybabes!
Utahraptor: This just in, English has a lot of words for a bunch of stuff! Film at 11?
T-Rex: It's got real applications!
T-Rex: We're getting closer to computers that can choose their own words, and this shows how sensitive these choices can be!
Utahraptor: If you misspell a word, "You made a boo-boo" is fine, but if you press the wrong button and lazer 5000 dudes, that's probably not the mot juste?
T-Rex: Yep! And I'm glad you said "mot juste" and didn't just write it down as text, as I'd have read it as "mott justee".
Off panel: Well, that'd be my fault for changing languages in the middle of a sentence.
T-Rex: Indeed, no-one can be expected to keep up with that sort of tromperie