T-Rex: I'm pretty sure I could be an amazing dentist, you guys!
T-Rex: In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm ALREADY an amazing dentist, you guys!
T-Rex: I've got good teeth and it occurs to me that I'M the one who brushes my teeth every day and night. I'm TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for all the day-to-day oral hygiene that goes on in my awesome mouth!
T-Rex: My dentist is more of a - supervisor, you know? I check in with him once a year and he gives me some pointers. Then, I pay him for the pointers.
Utahraptor: The only reason you can do some of it yourself is that there's a whole dentistry infrastructure supporting you, my friend!
Utahraptor: You buy toothbrushes and toothpaste pre-made, each with thousands of hours of engineering and design put into them and all with the goal of ensuring oral hygiene even when in the hands of an amateur. You're not a dentist, man! You're just some dude who has learnt to press "play" on the VCR of modern dentistry.
Off panel: ...
Off panel: Analogously.