T-Rex: Guess who had their first dream of flying last night?
T-Rex: Gentlemen, ladies: calm down please! It was me!!
Dromiceiomimus: You'd never dreamed about flying before?
T-Rex: I HAD, but they were always dreams in which everyone else could fly and I couldn't. You know the one where everyone realizes they can fly by jumping and flapping their arms, but when you try it, you just hop a tiny bit higher than normal? And it's KINDA cool but everyone else is flying so it's not THAT cool?
Utahraptor: "I'm T-Rex and I have transparently symbolic dreams!"
T-Rex: Come on, man!
T-Rex: We ALREADY AGREED dreams sound hella symbolic when described. If we want to talk about their contents, we have to move past symbolism!
Utahraptor: Alright, fine.
T-Rex: Okay. So I was wondering, in case I get this dream again, where do YOU fly when you dream about flying?
Off panel: T-Rex, I fly through a giant pink tunnel, down through a dark hole, into a tremendous blooming flower, and finally around a huge roseate "V" with text beneath it that says "That 'V' stands for 'Vaginas'".
T-Rex: Utahraptor!
T-Rex: Please continue